FS Business Solutions

Exploring the capabilities of AI Chatbots: Google Bard vs ChatGPT vs Bing Chat

Starting with knowing a little something about the Generative Pre-Trained Transformers (GPT) technology, one needs to get started by knowing how it works. They are a type of large language model and a framework for generative artificial intelligence.

GPT models are artificial neural networks that are based on the transformer architecture, pre-trained on large data sets of unlabeled text, and able to generate novel human-like content.

The first GPT was introduced in 2018 by OpenAI, which is trained to carry a vast amount of text data and is fine-tuned for natural language processing tasks.

Google Bard’s features:

  • It can help users by functioning as a virtual assistant by setting reminders, answering queries, managing schedules and appointments, and providing recommendations when necessary. It is valuable and makes the user’s daily activities hassle-free to handle by understanding the context.
  • Google Bard has the capability of generating suitable content by generating blogs, article paragraphs, and social media content. It also assists users by providing ideas, suggestions, and current trends, and lets them draft text as well.
  • With its advanced functionality, it acts as a personalized tutor and is able to offer different learning styles. Apart from that, it lets the users engage in interactive discussions, making the experience engaging, educational, and dynamic.
  • It can understand the customer’s side and their queries and can help users manage customer support inquiries by providing relevant information to solve the queries, eventually enhancing customer satisfaction.

ChatGPT’s features:

  • Since its launch, ChatGPT has been a valuable tool for those creating content and needing assistance keeping up with the digital world. It also provides suggestions, ideas, and assistance to the writers with regard to publishing articles, blogs, and many more.
  • It has the ability to engage in natural conversations and offers human-like content by providing a sense of companionship by asking about interests like hobbies, interests, and more.
  • ChatGPT is also claimed to be beneficial to language learners by improving their language skills and offering vocabulary and grammar teachings, making the process interactive, easy, and knowledgeable.
  • One can deal with the world of e-commerce with the help of ChatGPT and its ability to offer assistance in purchase decisions, product knowledge, and overall services that should be presented to the customers.

Bing Chat’s features:

  • It has access to the latest version of GPT-4 and allows you to choose the conversation style; moreover, you can ask it to be more creative, balanced, and precise and explore the different ways it can fit the conversation.
  • Image generation has been enabled in this AI Chatbot by just asking it; this way, one does not have to pay for it or setup a local instance of stable diffusion.
  • It provides limited chats and offers an advanced language model that lets you choose a conversation style to fit your needs.


From a person-centered approach to assistance to engaging in any sort of conversation, AI Chatbots have come a long way. Choosing the best type of AI Chatbot depends on your requirements, functionality, and domain expertise.

With the transforming world of technology, AI Chatbots have the ability to enhance interactions and transform industries.